Hand Treatments & Surgery
Hand Pain & Injuries
Dr. Pitt’s extensive background in orthopedic surgery has made him a specialized provider in surgeries of the hand and wrist. Hand surgery is the field of medicine that addresses the surgical intervention of pathologies and injuries of the hand, wrist, and forearm. The hands are composed of different tissues including muscle, tendons, bones, and joints. A variety of factors may constitute hand surgery including tendon repair, trauma, nerve repair, carpal tunnel syndrome, congenital deformities, and joint replacement. In addition to surgical techniques, many treatment alternatives may be explored before surgery including medication, splints, and physical therapy.
Common Reasons for Hand Surgery
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure on the medial nerve leading into the hand from the wrist. Symptoms include tingling, pain, and numbness. Early intervention may result in a simpler treatment process such as a splint, however, long-term pressure may cause increased damage, requiring surgical intervention.
Tendon Repair
Inflammation of the tendons caused by infection, arthritis, diabetes, or repetitive strain on the hands and wrists which cannot be treated through noninvasive approaches such as compression, heat/cold therapy, and splints, may require surgery. Injuries that lacerate or tear the tendons may also require surgical treatment. During surgery, your tendons will be reattached using extremely fine surgical sutures. This assists in a more rapid and successful recovery.
Injury to the hand due to trauma may result in severe fractures or misalignment of the bones. While these injuries are commonly treated through modalities such as casts and braces, complications including bone-shattering, incorrect healing, and misalignment may necessitate surgery. Surgical realignment of bone in addition to surgical screws, plates, and pins may help repair extreme fractures and preserve surrounding nerves and tendons of the hands. Common causes of trauma include falls, twisting, and sports-related contact injuries.