Total Knee Replacement

Pain & Injuries

Our joints are made to be used. Because a patient has knee pain from arthritis does not mean that they should not remain active. We understand joints and can help you stay active and enjoy what you love to do. Knee replacement surgery is an option when non-operative management fails.

Joint Replacement

Osteoarthritis is a condition that simply means inflammation of the joint. This inflammation can have various causes, but ultimately leads to degeneration of the cartilage that covers the bones in the knee that move together. As the knee is swollen, the cartilage thins and wears much like tires on a car. As the cartilage thins, movement in the knee can cause more inflammation which leads to more pain and more cartilage thinning. Non-operative treatment is focused on reducing this inflammation and slowing the cartilage thinning process. When this method fails, joint replacement surgery is indicated to reduce pain, and improve function to keep you active. The surgery centers around removing the damaged cartilage at the ends of the bones and replacing it with metal and plastic that rub together rather than the diseased knee. Knee replacement surgery can return you to your active lifestyle with less pain and more function.

Mako Total Knee replacement

We understand that knowing what to expect from your joint replacement experience is important to you. As you are reading through this material, please reach out to us to discuss if you have additional questions.

Each patient is unique and can experience joint pain for different reasons. It’s important to talk to us about the reason for your knee pain so you can understand the treatment options available to you. Pain from arthritis and joint degeneration can be constant or come and go, occur with movement or after a period of rest, or be located in one spot or many parts of the body. It is common for patients to try medication and other conservative treatments to treat their knee pain. If you haven’t experienced adequate relief with those treatment options, you may be a candidate for Mako Total Knee replacement, which may provide you with relief from your knee pain.

Mako can help your surgeon plan for better outcomes, like less pain and shorter recovery times, compared to manual knee replacement surgery.1


Mako is an innovative solution for many suffering from painful arthritis of the knee.

Scan. It all starts with a CT scan so your surgeon can know more about your anatomy.

Plan. The CT scan is used to create a 3D CT-based model of your knee. Your surgeon uses this 3D model to create a personalized surgical plan and assist your surgeon in performing your knee replacement procedure.

Mako Can. In the operating room, your surgeon follows your personalized surgical plan while preparing the bone for the implant. The surgeon guides Mako’s robotic arm within the predefined area, and Mako’s AccuStopTM technology helps the surgeon stay within the planned boundaries that were defined in the personalized surgical plan to prepare the bone for the Triathlon Total Knee implant. With over a decade of clinical history, Triathlon knee implants are different from traditional knee replacement implants because they are designed to work with the body to promote natural-like circular motion.2-5

It’s important to understand that the surgery is performed by an orthopaedic surgeon, who guides Mako’s robotic arm during the surgery to position the implant in the knee joint. Mako does not perform surgery, make decisions on its own or move without the surgeon guiding it. Mako also allows your surgeon to make adjustments to your plan during surgery as needed.
